Language: Chinese line English

Graphite ring

  • Graphite ring mechanical seal blower three piece ring, three piece multi piece, wear-resistant discrimination ring of coal mill, carbon ring of coal mill
  • Graphite ring mechanical seal blower three piece ring, three piece multi piece, wear-resistant discrimination ring of coal mill, carbon ring of coal mill
  • Graphite ring mechanical seal blower three piece ring, three piece multi piece, wear-resistant discrimination ring of coal mill, carbon ring of coal mill
  • Graphite ring mechanical seal blower three piece ring, three piece multi piece, wear-resistant discrimination ring of coal mill, carbon ring of coal mill
Graphite ring mechanical seal blower three piece ring, three piece multi piece, wear-resistant discrimination ring of coal mill, carbon ring of coal millGraphite ring mechanical seal blower three piece ring, three piece multi piece, wear-resistant discrimination ring of coal mill, carbon ring of coal millGraphite ring mechanical seal blower three piece ring, three piece multi piece, wear-resistant discrimination ring of coal mill, carbon ring of coal millGraphite ring mechanical seal blower three piece ring, three piece multi piece, wear-resistant discrimination ring of coal mill, carbon ring of coal mill

Graphite ring mechanical seal blower three piece ring, three piece multi piece, wear-resistant discrimination ring of coal mill, carbon ring of coal mill

  • Mechanical seal blower three piece ring
  • Coal mill carbon ring
  • Graphite ring
  • Product description: Custom made hard graphite ring, mechanical seal graphite ring, blower three piece ring, three piece multi piece graphite ring, coal mill carbon ring.
Custom made hard graphite ring, mechanical seal graphite ring, blower three piece ring, three piece multi piece graphite ring, coal mill carbon ring

Mill carbon ring (antimony impregnated / resin impregnated) original quality of carbon precision sealing ring assembly

Our company's sealing ring mainly produces sealing products for Coal Mills: carbon fiber carbon ring for separator sealing, base, our carbon precision sealing ring assembly, matching products for medium speed roller coal mills

Nantong Mingxuan graphite products Co., Ltd


  • 2024-06-12
  • 2024-05-09
  • 2024-05-04
  • 2024-05-04
  • 2024-04-25


Contact: shengchungrong

Phone: 15962812808

Tel: 0513-82833788


Add: 118 Changyao Road, Wannian Town, Haimen City, Jiangsu Province, China
